Client Results, Case Studies & Testimonials
All Funnel Types
Broke $1,000,000 in 3 Years
Helped generate over a million dollars for one client in less than 3 years. Funnels were almost completely automated and all business operations and fulfillment were delivered by three team members. 80% of their revenue came from less than 1,000 buyers.
Summit Funnel
82% Opt-In Rate
Created a summit funnel that collected 3,413 leads in than 30 days. Our landing page had an 82% conversion rate and we made 15k BEFORE the event even started.
Product Launch Funnel
$46K on Autopilot
Client had just completed a course and wanted to do a webinar launch the next day. They asked if we could deliver. Our team stayed up all night and got it done. Wasn't perfect but that funnel made them over $46K in the next 12 months. Their webinar was automated and all they had to do was direct traffic to it.
Webinar Funnel
51.5% Sales Conversion Rate
Threw together a webinar funnel for a client in an afternoon that made our client 27k with a 51.5% conversion rate. They maxed out our Zoom capacity 20 minutes before the webinar even started. They literally had clients begging them to get in and had to double their Zoom room capacity to fit everyone in.
VSL Funnel
$10,491 From Seven Emails
One SUPER SIMPLE email sequence generated $16.57 from every lead we put in. Good to know. Not a ton. But predictable. We focused on getting more leads into that sequence and made over $10,491 in less than two months from 633 leads. Sequence was automated to follow up with leads after they watched a VSL. Leads were automatically unsubscribed after they completed the campaign (that's the red) to keep our sequences clean.
Lead Squeeze Funnel
39% Average Opt-In Rate Over 82,029 Visitors
After working with tens of thousands of leads, we have a 39% average opt-in rate across 82,029 leads. We know how to create opt-in pages that convert.
Summit Funnel
Two Upsells (Almost) DOUBLED Revenue
Client was putting together a live event. We brainstormed their offer with them and created different packages we could sell: General, VIP, Live etc... We put together bonuses like courses, pre-event trainings, recordings of the entire event, implementation guides and more. They almost doubled their revenue just by offering different tickets to the same event.
Application Funnel
ONE Funnel: $352K
Built ONE application funnel selling a coaching program that generated over $352K in just over a year. The whole system was set up to get extremely qualified, ready-to-buy leads on a sales call. Our client was finally able to do what they went into business to do: coach.
Melinda E.
Small Biz Lady
I cannot rave about them enough. They are amazing. If you're thinking about pulling together a funnel for your next event, they are the team to do it because they're really good at what they do.
Joshua B.
Strahes Consulting
Voluptate sit sed quis enim do pariatur excepteur adipisicing consectetur aliqua sekeduis laboris minim anim eiusmod commo nostrud excepteur incididunt eiusmod sed officia elit occaecat.
Susan K.
Indie Beauty Market
I highly recommend their services to you if you are the least bit intimidated by launching... or if you just have more important things to do – like make money.
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* Client results are not typical, and your experience will vary based upon your effort, education, business model, and market forces beyond our control. We make no earnings claims or return on investment claims.
** We are independent affiliates for companies we love and support. We are not employed by any company we promote as affiliates. We receive commissions from products we help sell. Our opinions are our own and are not official statements of any company we promote.
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